He is simply a genuine kid! A couple other stories to convince you how special he is. Friends of ours are die hard Bearcat Football fans and Max wore his Number 1 jersey to the National Championship game. During the celebration after the game, Max showed his jersey to Soy and Soy tossed his National Championship hat to Max. Max's Dad confirmed that Max has rarely taken the hat off since. I also met up with Troy and his Dad (they are my Hi-5 buddies in our section at home games). Troy said, "Look what I got, Mary" and he holds up Jake Soy's Nike sweat bands. Of course, I had to touch them and smell them! Troy told me, "All you have to do is ask." Soy is just one of many...he is surrounded by special young men, I mean special young champions, on the Bearcat Football team.
The National Championship game trip was unforgettable! We had an awesome time and laughed tons. We left at 3PM Friday afternoon and returned at 4AM Sunday morning. We joked on the way down that we basically had time to jump out of the car and chant a B E A R C A T S cheer and get back in the car for the ride home. It WAS a quick trip, but it was TOO FUN! The WIN made the ride home that much better! My stomach muscles still hurt from screaming like crazy during the entire game. Thanks to Aunt Diane, Sister Sashy, Godson Mitch, and Husband Dan for the memories that will last a lifetime! And Thanks to Grandma Kate and Cyndi Lou Who for keeping the kids so we could enjoy the National Championship!
PS My chemo treatment today is rescheduled for tomorrow in St. Joseph due to the icy weather.
WHAT AN AMAZING TRIP!!!!!! Thanks for letting us tag along, Mitch and I had sooo much fun! I think the good Lord knew you needed a day of rest today so you will be ready to hand out MANY big punches tomorrow to the Beast! Now the time has come for me to buckle down and get some Christmas shopping done! I thank God every day for giving me the BEST little sis in the world and my WHOLE FAMILY, I Love you all to the Moon and Back! Fr. Emil Kapaun Please KO the Beast and Heal my Baby Sis COMPLETELY, AMEN! Your Favorite Sis
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking Mama to the game, I'm glad you got to take a victory ride on the way home! Good luck tomorrow, go get 'em Bearcat :) Love ya, Kellie
ReplyDeleteMary I was able to see the last five minutes of the game. The Bearcats had to make it interesting!!!! After seeing your picture on the blog, I'm positive I saw you on TV. When they scanned the crowd I saw this young lady with a white head band or hat and a grin from ear to ear and I swore it was you. Now I'm totally convinced it was you. I'm so happy you were able to bring home a victory. Just wish you would have had time to stop in and say hello. I'll be saying some extra prayers tomorrow as you go after that "beast." Sending lots of love. Aunt Liz
ReplyDeleteHey Mary...I've still been keeping up with you and am so glad your treatments have gone well and they are almost OVER! Your spirit is incredible, but I'd expect nothing less from you! Have a great Christmas!
ReplyDeletePS...Isn't it great to be a Bearcat!
Steph Fletchall Robertson
Hope you are rested and ready for the next round! People can't understand that it was worth 24 hours in the car to be in 'bama for 5 hours. Sounds like Mel is planning to be back next year!!! Love you bunches. Diane